Monday 18 February 2008

Pimpin Karma

Many players believe they can enhance their game by adopting certain practices within their lifestyle; take Cyndi Violette a seasoned professional, who attributes a lot of her success to a strict macrobiotic diet. Phil Hellmuth prays to the universe, leaving various notes on mirror’s with messages like “today is going to be a good day, great things will happen to me “. …if only it was that easy! Me, I am big fan of Karma, in essence the law of karma is simple, it declares all our actions reflect back upon us, either in this world or in the subsequent ones.

This brings me nicely onto a recent run in with karma. The day started off like any normal day for the pimp; shower, shit, shave, breakfast and the morning dog walk.

During the daily walk with Belle ( that’s my dog), I am already presented with my first Karma challenge. Belle has released a rather large chocolate hostage on the grass, the trouble is its pissing down with rain and I’m going to get my nice new sneakers covered in crap. The voices of good and evil toy with my mind “leave it there, no one will notice; it’s a shit hole anyway“. I weigh up my options and decide to do the right thing, hey at least it will warm my hands. The day passes by with not too much incident, until I am driving home. I spot an old chap flagging down cars from the pavement, car after car continue to pass by without stopping. Again, the karma gods talk to me convincing me to stop and help. I figure it’s not risky; for starters he is sporting a pair of suede velcro slippers...not the type of get up for your local car-jacker!. I pulled up to the curb to see what all the fuss was about, the old boy asks me if I can take him to the train station as he needs to go to Paddington pronto. It turns out our old friend is from Moscow a former soldier who settled in England in the 50’s, he tells me he has to see his son urgently in London. He had phoned for a taxi, but they couldn’t understand him, so he opted to walk; bad idea, as our fellow comrade is not too clever on his feet.

I decide to whisk “Ivan” to the station and hand him over to a member of staff. Ivan could not thank me enough repeatedly telling me “you are good person”( yes he did leave out the a’). As I leave the station I feel vindicated in my decision and depart with a bounce in my stride – another triumph for good karma!.

That day I was scheduled to a play the 250k GP on Betfred at 7pm, I login to find 500 players waiting to take chunks out of the Pimp. I start off fairly tight, there’s no real maniac play on my table; so betting was moderate and position dictated who would win the pot. After 3 levels I shift gears, playing very aggressively and following through with continuation bets and re-raising. It was working and my opponents appeared to respect my betting. With 250 of the original 500 left I was sitting pretty in 15th position. A few hands later, I catch Ah Th in 1st position, I make the standard raise 3 times the big blind… 2nd position re-raises all in and the player in the cut off calls…this is an easy decision - FOLD….but every fibre in my body told me to call!. screwing up my face I hit the mouse and call with one eye open... I am up against pocket kings and queens…The Flop comes down, I spike an Ace… PRAISE BE TO KARMA ..I’M CHIP LEADER!!

I reflect on the events of the day and start to truly believe I wouldn’t be in this position without the good Karma; this being nice business definitely has an up side. Obviously there is a limit and a point where even karma can not help you, in my dreamy state I failed to recognize this – that limit comes in the form of calling an all in pre flop with J 7, The rest is history.

I exit the tournament in 85th, raging like a rabid dog typing “you all suck”. in the chat box.

Back to the drawing board angry bloke.

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